Tuesday, April 14, 2009

facts To know about Cigarrate and its Smoke

1. - Second hand smoke contains 50 cancer causing chemicals. Of those, at least 11 are labeled as“Group 1 Carcinogens” - which are the most deadly.
2. - Radioactive lead is present in cigarette smoke.
3. - Hydrogen cyanide is found in small amounts in cigarette smoke. This chemical was used as genocidal agent in World War II.
4. - Ambergris (Otherwise known as whale vomit) is added to cigarettes by many manufacturers.
5. - There is enough nicotine in just 4 - 5 cigarettes to kill a healthy adult if it were consumed whole. Much of the nicotine is burned away.6. - 1/4 of all the youths alive today in East Asia will die from cigarette smoking if current trends continue.
7. - 3,000 kids each day in the U.S. pick up smoking each day. That number swells to 80,000%2B worldwide every day.
8. - China consumes approximately 1.7 trillion cigarettes every single year.
9. - It is estimated that trillions of filters containing tobacco and dangerous chemicals are laying on the ground, polluting our environment every year. Together, these cigarette filters weigh in the billions of pounds and are dangerous to the environment

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